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Medical Tourism

Kamchatka Regional State Budgetary Medical Institution

“Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Municipal Children’s Dental Clinic”


       1. Basic Information on Medical Institution

  • Pre-doctor aid: radiology, nursing care, stomatology. Outpatient-and-polyclinic medical care: primary health care: pediatric dentistry, public health and health organization, temporary disability examination.
  • Specialized medical care : orthodontic care, dental surgery, public health and health organization, temporary disability examination.
  • Our clinic provide the specialized medical care to children aged from 0 to

17 years 11 months 29 days using the therapeutic & surgical dentistry

and orthodontic care.

  • In 1982, the Dental Department was withdrawn from Municipal Children’s Clinic No.1(Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky City) and started it’s functioning

as a separate legal entity under the name of “Municipal Children’s Dental Clinic”.

  • As of 2019.11.27, the medical staff of PK MCDCconsists of:
  • 7 children’s dentists, 2 stomatologists, 2 dentists, 2 dental surgeons, 2 orthodontists.
  • All doctors have valid medical licenses and accreditation, also are registered in CME program.
  • In 2019 (in 9 months), total number of our treated patients is equal to 19 311, including ____ foreign citizens.

      2. List of Medical Services Provided

  • Pediatric dentistry: All contemporary prevention methods of carious and non-carious dental diseases, caries treatment, treatment of extensive caries.
  • Dental surgery: Extraction of primary and permanent teeth using contemporary methods of anesthesia, vestibuloplasty, plastic surgery for frenulum of upper and lower lips.


  • Orthodontic care: Treatment using contemporary trainers, LM activators, removable and non-removable orthodontic devices.
  • Services for making x-ray images enabling their further digital imaging.


       3. Procedure for Applying to a Medical Institution by Foreign Citizens

  • PK MCDC Rules for providing the medical care to foreign citizens and stateless persons
  • 1.1 PK MCDC provide the foreign citizens and stateless persons the primary health care and specialized medical care.
  • 1.2 In case the medical care is needed, the foreign citizen (stateless person) or their legal representative should apply to Reception of PK MCDC.
  • 1.3 For providing the medical care to foreign citizen (stateless person), his/her personality should be identified. For this, the medical registrar proceeds as follows:
  • 1.3.1 Checks the testimonial (if necessary, the document confirming the powers of a legal representative).
  • 1.3.2 Records the data of a citizen (legal representative) in the computer software of PK MCDC.

    -family name, first name, middle name (if any);

    -citizenship (for foreign citizens);

    -patient’s date, month and year of birth;

    -details of testimonial;

    -details of migration form, document confirming the right of foreign citizen (stateless person) to stay (reside) in Russian Federation (residence permit or temporary residence permit) ;

    -address of place of residence (registration) or place of stay;

    -details of obligatory medical insurance contract (policy) (for foreign citizens, stateless persons permanently/temporarily residing in Russian Federation);

    -details of voluntary medical insurance contract (policy) concluded with the insurance organization established in accordance with the law of Russian Federation.

    • 1.5 For foreign citizens, a testimonial may be a passport of foreign citizen or other document stipulated by the Federal law or authorized by RF as a testimonial in accordance with international agreement.
    • 1.6. For stateless persons, a testimonial may be:

    -document issued by foreign state and authorized by RF as a testimonial for stateless persons in accordance with international agreement;

    -temporary residence permit;

  • 1.4 Identification includes the presentation of following information on foreign citizen (stateless person):

    -residence permit;

    -other documents stipulated by Federal law or authorized by RF as a testimonial for stateless persons in accordance with international agreement;

    • 1.7 Before providing the medical care, the foreign citizen (stateless person) or their accompanying legal representative should give the patient’s written informed voluntary consent on medical intervention and customer’s informed voluntary consent on providing the paid medical services; both forms to be signed personally.
    • Medical documents of a foreign citizen patient ( stateless person) are to be completed in Russian language.
    • 1.8 Informing of foreign citizens on receipt of medical care in a medical institution.
    • 1.8.1. When applying for medical care, the foreign citizen should be informed by medical institution on the Rules for providing medicalcare to foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation approved by RF Government Resolution No.186 dated 2013/03/06/ For this purpose, the Rules are

    -posted on official website of medical institution;

    -placed on information stand in the hall of medical institution.

    • Personal informing of a foreign citizen on above-mentioned rules is made by the medical worker of a medical institution only after the correct specifying of a need for such a (emergency or routine) medical care for a foreign citizen. In case medical care is necessaryinemergent variant, informing should be made 

    after eliminating the threat to life of a foreign citizen and stabilization of his/her condition.

    • 1.8.2Foreign citizens insured according to the Federal law “On obligatory medical insurance in the Russian Federation” should be informed in medical institution on the rights and obligation s of insured persons while proving the medical care.
    • 1.8.3 When proving the foreign citizen the medical care on paid bases, he/she should be informed on Regulations on procedure and conditions for providing of paid medical services by PK MCDC.
    • 1.9 After completing the treatment of a foreign citizen (stateless person) he/she should be presented the extract from medical records or it should be sent in his/her address. The data in extract include the period of proving medical care and measures on prophylaxis, diagnostics, treatment and medical rehabilitation. Medical documents to be sent from the Russian Federation to another state are to be completed in Russian.
    • Migration registration form.


    4. Contact Information

    • Address (Location): Kamchatka Region, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky City, 6813031 VoitseshekaSt., 5 Municipal Children’s Clinic No1, 4 th fl.
    • E-mail address:Этот адрес электронной почты защищён от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
    • Clinic Head: GoncharovaElena Viktorovna
    • Tel. (Reception):8(4152) 26-35-74


    5. Additional Information (presentations, promotional materials)

    • https://www.rosminzdrav.ru/ministry/61/6/mmaterialy-po-deyatelnosti-departamenta

